Für uns sind Sie wichtig

firmenwerte semper tea


Design Packaging

Abbaubare Teepyramide

Distribuidor mayorista de variedades de té ecológico semper tea

Attraktiv präsentiert

Bio Blatt-Tee im Glas

Empresa especializada en la fabricación y distribución de infusiones orgánicas

Plastikfreie Verpackungen

Nachhaltigkeit und Qualität

te piramide sin plastico ginger lemon ambar semper tea

Intensive Aromen

Tee im klassischen Teebeutel

Mayorista de productos de te orgánico


teesendung semper tea

Überraschen Sie mit einzigartigen Geschenken

Tee im Reagenzglas

Hochwertige Qualität

Loser Tee

Fabricante de té gourmet y ecológico


Kundenmeinungen über Semper Tea

It is a pleasure to enjoy such an exquisite tea. The taste is pure, smooth, balanced and harmonious. The biodegradable pyramid is a real plus. I am very pleased to have discovered Semper Tea.

Jose Acosta / Google

I tried a few teas from Semper Tea in a hotel and loved them! Just placed my first order through your online store and everything has arrived perfect and very fast
I can highly recommend it.

María González / Google

A friend gave me a variety of teas from Semper Tea so that I could experience its great quality and flavour. In summer I drink it as iced tea and of course now I like it hot…

Maria Antonia Marti / Google

I discovered Semper Tea at a hotel in Barcelona and was very surprised. I tried Chai and Pu-erh Vanilla and was impressed by the rich and delicate taste. Checked out their online store and will certainly try some other tea blends as I loved not only the high quality of the teas but also the unique design and packaging.

Maria Teresa Sánchez / Google

The intensity of the flavours of Semper Tea is not comparable to any other. It takes you to exotic places. Congratulations on the quality.

Ascención Moreno / Google

Finally, a classy tea served for breakfast at the Hotel where I spent the night, Gran Via de Madrid. The best thing is that they also have it in the rooms. Congratulations Semper Tea, certainly one of the best….

Balolo Babaez / Google

I discovered Semper Tea at a conference in Madrid. It caught my attention due to its beautiful presentation and packaging. My first thought was ´whoever designed these teas must have a passion for it´. I was impressed to see that they were all organic and delighted with the flavour. I usually drink green and herbal teas and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I have ordered a selection of teas and would like to congratulate Semper Tea for this wonderful product..

Nils Dr. Wagner / Google

It is a pleasure to enjoy such an exquisite tea. The taste is pure, smooth, balanced and harmonious. The biodegradable pyramid is a real plus. I am very pleased to have discovered Semper Tea.
José Acosta / Google

I tried a few teas from Semper Tea in a hotel and loved them! Just placed my first order through your online store and everything has arrived perfect and very fast. I can highly recommend it.“
Maria Gonzalez / Google

The intensity of the flavours of Semper Tea is not comparable to any other. It takes you to exotic places. Congratulations on the quality.
Ascención Moreno / Google

Finally, a classy tea served for breakfast at the Hotel where I spent the night, Gran Via de Madrid. The best thing is that they also have it in the rooms. Congratulations Semper Tea, certainly one of the best….
Balolo Babaez / Google

A friend gave me a variety of teas from Semper Tea so that I could experience its great quality and flavour. In summer I drink it as iced tea and of course now I like it hot…
Maria Antonia Marti / Google

Finally, a classy tea served for breakfast at the Hotel where I spent the night, Gran Via de Madrid. The best thing is that they also have it in the rooms. Congratulations Semper Tea, certainly one of the best….
Maria Teresa Sánchez / Google

I discovered Semper Tea at a conference in Madrid. It caught my attention due to its beautiful presentation and packaging. My first thought was ´whoever designed these teas must have a passion for it´. I was impressed to see that they were all organic and delighted with the flavour. I usually drink green and herbal teas and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I have ordered a selection of teas and would like to congratulate Semper Tea for this wonderful product..
Dr. Horst Wagner / Google

Alles über Tee – Rezepte – News - Blog

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Bio Teepyramiden aus biologisch abbaubarem Material gemäß EU Norm EN 13432

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Premium Tee für Hotellerie: Überraschen Sie Ihre Gäste mit erlesenen Variationen

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Der Wandel des Marktes für Blatt-Tee | Von der Tradition zur Innovation

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Die faszinierende Welt der Gerbstoffe – Tannine im Tee

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Öko-Marketing – Tee am Frühstücksbuffet ohne Plastikverpackung

Semper Tea produziert und verpackt Bio-Tees in Spanien. Dieses dynamische, unabhängige, familiengeführte Unternehmen ist international [...]

Tee-Aufbewahrung und Tee-Organizer bei wenig Platz | Stilvoll und funktionell

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Über Semper Tea

Semper Tea ist ein unabhängiges und dynamisches Familienunternehmen mit spanischen, deutschen und australischen Wurzeln und Sitz in Sevilla.

Unseren Kunden und dem Schutz der Umwelt verpflichtet, bieten wir Bio-Tees aus ökologischen Teeplantagen auf der ganzen Welt an.

Wir arbeiten seit mehr als 15 Jahren mit stetiger Innovation, grosser Leidenschaft und sorgfältiger Auswahl unserer Liferanten daran, ein Produkt von hoher Qualität, Nachhaltigkeit und besonderem Design anzubieten.

Tee Hersteller

Als unabhängiger Teehersteller haben wir ein grosses Maß an Freiheit und Flexibilität in all unseren Entscheidungen und Handlungen. So können wir schnell auf Marktentwicklungen reagieren, eine offene Kommunikation pflegen, Innovationen anregen und unsere Ideen schnell in die Tat umsetzen.